We are legally obliged to be open about the land and buildings that we own. View our property information (XLSX, 79.14 KB).
The list will be updated on an annual basis and will indicate where we have either acquired or disposed of assets in the list.
Each entry in the list provides core information about a property, including the site name (if applicable), number and street address. The list will also show the use, holding type and tenure classification. There are some sites where a UPRN number cannot be allocated and some that are not yet available. We have indicated where a UPRN number cannot be allocated.
This list does not include the Geographical Mapping references relating to the sites, as this falls under the Public Sector Mapping Agreement Licence (PSMA), and restrictions to publishing data under the Open Government Licence apply. A full dataset version including the USRN (unique street reference number) and the Geographical Co-ordinates derived from Ordnance Survey (OS) data can only be released for ‘using the data to respond to, or interact with the Licensor to deliver or support the delivery of the Licensor’s Core Business due to OS licensing restrictions under a Public Sector End User Licence.
If you wish to use this data for any other purpose other than supporting the delivery of the Licensor’s Core Business, then you should contact Ordnance Survey via their website or telephone 0345 605 0505 to discuss how they can help with your requirements’.
The list does not include infrastructure such as roads, pavements, bus shelters and cycle-ways or other assets including vehicles or IT. We give limited information on vacant properties for security reasons.