General waste bins and sacks

What can go in your general rubbish bin

Grey lidded bin

You should only use black bins for household waste that you cannot recycle, repair, reuse or donate.

Your black bin is collected every 2 weeks. However, if you're in a property that has sack collections, your collection will be weekly.

Please try to use your recycling bins before putting anything in the black bin as the contents only go to landfill which harms the environment.

What can go in your black bin

Polystyrene, pet waste, plastic film, shredded paper

What cannot go in your black bin

Plastic bottles, rubble and hardcore

No side or excess waste

Cross next to black rubbish bin with side waste

We only collect waste inside the bin with the lid closed.

Do not overfill your bin or leave additional waste next to the bin as this will not be collected.

How to get rid of excess waste

If you need to dispose of items that cannot go in general waste, see if you can take them to Barrowell Green Recycling Centre.

Please note - if the side waste policy is not followed, this could result in a fixed penalty. See our waste enforcement pages.

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