Rubbish and recycling collection policy

Strategies and policies which ensure rubbish and recycling is managed at all stages in a sustainable way - from the point of collection through to its final treatment and/or disposal to maximise recycling and reduce carbon impacts.

Through the council, our delivery partners and/or contractors:

  • The methods used to collect rubbish are always monitored to maximise recycling rates
  • We will extend the range of recyclable materials collected where it is practicable to do so. Generally, we will give priority to materials that are economically viable to collect and recycle that produce greater carbon savings or diversion from landfill.
  • The council will offer a rubbish and recycling service to all households in Enfield, where possible
  • Food waste is offered to households with bins
  • A subscription service for garden waste collections is offered to households with bins
  • If a location is unsuitable for a standard collection, for example no space for bins, an alternative option will be agreed at the discretion of the council, for example customer will be provided with grey rubbish and blue recycling sacks which be collected on a weekly basis

Each eligible property will be provided with:

140 litre grey/black lidded rubbish bin
(1 per household)
Every 2 weeks
240 litre blue lidded recycling bin
(1 per household unless an additional bin is requested)
Every 2 weeks
23 litre brown food recycling bin and a small indoor 5-litre grey kitchen caddy
(1 per household unless additional bins are requested)
Every week
(Optional paid for) 140 or 240 litre green lidded garden waste bin
(more than 1 bin can be requested)
Every 2 weeks

We will collect recycling, garden waste, food waste and rubbish on specified days on a scheduled basis. Find your collection day.

See more information on rubbish, recycling, food and garden waste (PDF, 10045.94 KB).

  • The council operates a subscription garden waste service to residents. The subscription is valid from 1 April 1 to 31 March and is a paid for service.
  • The council reserves the right to change the price per bin per annual subscription year. Existing customers will be advised of the annual price during the renewal period.
  • The council also reserves the right to vary the service at any other time by giving customers advanced notice in writing. The optional paid for garden waste service is a fortnightly collection of a small 140 litre or larger 240 litre green-lidded garden waste bin.
  • Only bin(s) supplied by the council, subscribed to the service with a valid permit will be emptied. Each subscribed bin must clearly display a permit.
  • If moving to a new house within the borough the subscription can be transferred. The council must be informed of your new address, and it is your responsibility to transport your bin(s) to the new property.
  • If you choose to subscribe to the service, it can be cancelled and refunded within a 10-working day ‘cooling off’ period. For a refund to be allowed, the service must not have been used. Further details on how to cancel your service can be found on this website
  • Whilst the service may still be cancelled after the 10-working day ‘cooling off’ period, no refunds are available after this time. If additional capacity is required additional subscriptions can be purchased
  • If you chose to pay by Direct Debit, then it is your responsibility to update the council about any changes to existing payment arrangements. The council may cancel your subscription with immediate effect if you cancel your direct debit before the current collection year’s subscription fee is paid
  • Breach of these conditions may lead to termination of contract by the council
  • By signing up to this service you agree to accept these terms and conditions
  • Garden waste will only be collected if you have paid for the service and your bin is displaying a valid permit
  • Sharing bins with a neighbour is permissible but the subscription must be registered to one property and the bins must be presented at that property boundary for collection

For more information, see our green paid-for garden waste bin page.

  • A larger or additional recycling bin can be ordered for those households that require them
  • We will not impose a limit on the amount of recycling that will be collected if all material is presented correctly - it must not be presented in black bags as collection crews cannot confirm it to be free from contamination, with any cardboard flattened. This can be placed neatly alongside your recycling bin on your scheduled collection day
  • Food waste will be collected if contained within the 23-litre caddy(s). More than one 23 litre caddy is available on request
  • Properties can have more than 1 paid for garden waste subscription. A bin will be provided for each subscription.
  • Residents may be eligible for a larger rubbish bin if:
    • they produce larger amounts of medical or incontinence waste
    • there are 5 or more permanent residents living at the property
    • there are at least 2 children in nappies
  • Residents can register an interest for a larger rubbish bin and will need to complete a form. Residents that meet the criteria will be issued with a larger rubbish bin.
  • The smaller rubbish bin will need to be presented at the time of the exchange for the larger bin
  • The collection crew will return bins close to the collection point near to the property boundary, providing this is suitable and safe
  • Bin(s) must be stored within the property boundary (where possible)
  • If a resident repeatedly leaves their bins on the pavement outside of stated times, enforcement powers may be applied under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 Section 46 or any other applicable legislation
  • All bins remain the property of Enfield Council. As such, all collection bins should be left when residents sell or move out of the property.
  • See information on how to request replacement bins
  • We encourage residents to number their bins
  • Bin(s) will only be delivered to properties where there is suitable space for a bin that is off the public highway. Bin(s) will not be left on the public highway.
  • Developers of new houses are expected to pay for the purchase of initial bins for new builds. See information on bins for newly built properties.
  • During very cold weather, materials can freeze inside bins, and on occasion this means they cannot be emptied. This particularly affects organic materials such as food and green waste.
  • Compacted garden or food waste can get stuck in bins especially in winter months. If operatives are unable to loosen this material, a hanger will be placed on your bin.
  • It is your responsibility to loosen this material and present on your next scheduled collection day
  • Properties that do not have space for wheeled bins or flats above shops are given grey sacks for rubbish and blue sacks for recycling
  • Sacks are collected once a week from an agreed location on specified days
  • Find your collection day
  • You can request grey and blue sacks free of charge
  • Sacks can be requested through this website
  • Sacks will be delivered twice a year (April and October)
  • Sacks should not be over filled
  • Unless agreed otherwise, only Enfield Council issued grey and blue sacks will be collected
  • See information for landlords, letting agents and tenants
  • Bins and sacks should be put out by 5:30am on the day of collection
  • Bins and sacks should be placed at the front boundary of the property off the public highway (if possible), unless agreed otherwise
  • Bins should be placed with handles facing the road
  • Bins and sacks must be placed in an accessible and clearly visible location
  • Bins must be taken back into your property following collection and on the same day as your designated collection day
  • Only items specified on this website will be collected. Any items not specified, will not be collected. Any materials not accepted will need to be removed ahead of the next scheduled collection. See information on what can and cannot be accepted (PDF, 10045.94 KB).
  • The council will provide an assisted collections for elderly or disabled residents, who cannot move their bins or sacks to the property boundary and do not have anyone to do this for them
  • After we have received the application, a council officer will visit you to determine a pick-up location. Bins will be collected and returned to this pre-agreed site. Residents can request an assisted collection if:
    • there is no one else living with you who could put the bins out
    • the resident does not have a carer who could put the bins out
  • See more information on assisted collections
  • Black/Grey bin - excess rubbish not contained within the bins provided (side waste) will not be collected unless agreed otherwise
  • Unauthorised additional bins will not be collected unless agreed otherwise
  • Unauthorised bins (not issued by Enfield Council) will not be collected unless agreed otherwise
  • Lids of bin(s) must be fully closed - open lids or overflowing bin(s) will not be collected as this can cause damage to the machinery of the collection vehicles
  • To avoid injury to staff and/or damage to vehicles, any bin too heavy to be wheeled to the back of the collection vehicle or safely lifted will not be emptied until such time that the resident has taken steps to reduce the weight of the bin
  • Incorrect items placed into your bins or sacks could lead to a non-collection. If this happens you should remove the incorrect item(s) and represent the bin or sack at its next scheduled collection date.
  • Bins or sacks stored in unsafe, inaccessible locations, or for any reason where health and safety risks cannot be controlled, will not be collected
  • No additional garden waste will be collected if not contained within the green bin
  • See items that can (and cannot) be put into the bin(s) or sacks (PDF, 10045.94 KB)
  • You must report a missed collection within 24 hours of your collection day, so we can investigate. Reports made after this time may not be investigated.
  • If your bin(s) or sacks were put out correctly with the correct items, we will revisit your address within 48 hours
  • If your bin(s) or sacks were put out containing incorrect items, we will not revisit until your next scheduled collection day and the incorrect items have been removed
  • Refunds will not be given for garden waste missed collections
  • If a bin or sack is not collected due to adverse weather conditions, no access to your road or property due to roadworks or traffic problems, a further attempt to collect will take place
  • Before making a report, make sure:
    • your bins or sacks were put out by 5.30am on the day of collection
    • you know the right collection day for your street
    • your bins or sacks contain the right items
    • the bin or sack is not too heavy
    • our crew have access to your bin or sack
    • your bin or sack is not overflowing
    • bins were placed at the front boundary of the property off the public highway
    • your rubbish is not tightly packed into the bins so that it cannot be emptied
  • You can report a missed collection without having an Enfield Connected account
  • The council provides shared rubbish and recycling bins for residents living in flats
  • The bins are hired through the council Commercial Waste team
  • The hire charge includes replacement and repair of the rubbish bins. There is no charge for recycling bins.
  • Developers of new flats are expected to pay for the purchase of initial bins for new builds
  • The number of bins provided is calculated by the council on the number of flats per block
  • Most flats have a bin store or provide a location for the bins to be stored, this is managed by the landlord
  • Adequate capacity must be in place, so all waste is contained within the bins/containers
  • Where there is not enough space to store the required number of bins, additional collections will be considered and agreed with the landlord
  • All rubbish and recycling must be contained within the correct bin
  • Bin store areas must be kept clean and tidy
  • Access to bin stores should be kept clear at all times. It is the Landlords responsibility to clear excess or fly-tip waste before collection
  • There may be a charge for any additional clear up of waste not included in the scheduled collection
  • Shared bins are collected on a weekly basis, unless agreed otherwise
  • Where bin stores are locked, they should be unlocked on the day of collection by the landlord, or a key provided to the collection crews
  • Where bins stores are locked our preferred method would be a pin pad/key code
  • A select few flats have a food recycling service and are specific to those flats. The majority of flats do not have a food recycling service.
  • Important - we will not collect your shared recycling or food waste bin if it contains the wrong items because they may make the other items unsuitable for recycling
  • Abuse of the recycling bin(s) may result in removal of the bin(s)
  • If a shared bin is missed, a further attempt to collect will take place within 48 hours
  • Adequate capacity must be in place, so all waste is contained within the bins/containers
  • Where there is not enough space to store the required number of bins, additional collections will be considered and agreed with the landlord
  • Collection of rubbish and recycling will be carried out from supplied bins from agreed locations servings several households
  • Bin storage areas must always be accessible to collection vehicles and staff
  • If access to shared bin storage areas is blocked, the rubbish and recycling collections will not be carried out and residents should contact their landlord or managing agent
  • Any non-recyclable wastes found in the recycling containers will be classed as contamination and the bin will not be collected. If after public engagement with residents (and any management company), the recycling bins continue to be contaminated, the recycling bins may be removed from site
  • Waste items not contained within the approved and supplied bins will not be collected
  • We will take appropriate steps (through information and guidance) to ensure that residents and landlords are made aware of their responsibility to keep shared bins and other common areas free of waste. Continued non-compliance will be dealt with through the proportionate use of enforcement action, such as the issue of a Community Protection Notice.
  • Household waste from certain premises (as defined by the Controlled Waste Regulations 2012) will be subject to a charge as set out in the legislation
  • Commercial and industrial wastes may not be collected as part of the council’s household waste and recycling collection service. Any continuing inappropriate use of the domestic collection service by commercial undertakings will be dealt with by the proportionate use of enforcement.
  • Where properties are in multiple occupation as defined under the Housing Act 2004 as a single property, then the provision of any additional collections or additional bins over and above those provided by the council will be the responsibility of the landlord
  • Only items specified on this website will be collected. Any items not specified, will not be collected. Any materials not accepted will need to be removed ahead of the next scheduled collection. See information on what is and is not accepted (PDF, 10045.94 KB)
  • We will provide a weekly household hygiene service for residents only
  • Healthcare waste produced by individuals who treat themselves or relatives at home is classed as household healthcare waste
  • This service is not for residents being cared for by community nurses or other health professionals. This waste should be disposed of by the Healthcare provider.
  • We will provide a discreet and confidential free service for the collection and disposal of healthcare waste from households in the borough
  • We also collect on request collections of sharps, syringes, and needles
  • The council will provide yellow and black striped sacks or yellow plastic sharps containers
  • Healthcare waste presented in any other non-issued bags or bins will not be collected
  • Our sharps bin service will need to be requested each time you want a collection (ensure the sharps bin is at least three quarters full before booking a collection) and the lid is firmly closed
  • When requesting a collection, you will need to tell us about the waste you would like us to collect. Once we have received your application, we will contact you to arrange a collection.
  • Medical professionals should tell you how your waste needs to be disposed of. They should also advise on how to dispose of any equipment you are given to manage your health and provide training.
  • Things that our Healthcare Waste service can collect:
    • Sharps, syringes, and needles (a special yellow bin will be provided)
    • Surgical dressings and swabs used for wounds or other healthcare reason
    • Empty insulin cartridges
    • Insulin pump infusion sets
  • Examples of what we do not collect:
    • Certain pharmaceutical products
    • Human tissue
    • Hazardous or infectious clinical waste
    • Cytotoxic waste (purple bags/boxes)
    • Incontinence pads, these can be placed in your rubbish bin or sack.
    • Nappies should be placed in your rubbish bin or sack.
    • Stomas bags, catheters, plasters, dialysis products and urine containers (where there is no blood) can be double bagged and placed in your rubbish bin or sack.
    • Out of date or unwanted medicines can be taken to your local pharmacy (chemists) for disposal. Do not flush them down the toilet.
  • Never place nappies, absorbent sanitary products, incontinence pads or needles in your household recycling bin or sack
  • See more information about the management of household healthcare waste
  • The council offers a bulky waste collection of non-electrical items, this can be booked via this website or over the telephone where you can arrange for a collection free of charge. This service is not for general waste or garden waste.
  • This service is not for green waste - green waste present will not be collected. See information on our Garden waste collection service.
  • A collection day for free collections will be based on the resident’s postcode
  • However, for a fee of £15, the resident can arrange a collection on a day that suits them
  • Items should be placed at the property boundary by 5:30am on the morning of the booked collection
  • Collections are made Monday to Friday, 5:30am to 4pm
  • A maximum of 6 items can be selected for collection at a time
  • If the calendar date requested is greyed out, this means we have reached full capacity for the day
  • Residents who paid a fee to have the collection day of their choice will not receive a refund if the items were not out for collection by 5:30am
  • If the items are not out for collection or presented correctly on the requested collection day, the crew will not return, and the resident will need to rebook
  • If the item is classified as a missed item, then the crew will return within 48 hours
  • Rubbish bags - do not place heavy items in black rubbish bags. We only collect items that have been booked for collection and are easy to identify.
  • We will work with contractors and local waste and resource management agencies to maximise the opportunities for reuse and recycling of bulky waste items
  • Free furniture collections by British Heart Foundation
  • British Heart Foundation offer free collection of furniture in good condition.
  • Your unwanted good quality furniture is resold, and all proceeds go towards heart disease research and patient care.
  • There is no limit on the number of collections your household can receive. Collections are made Wednesday to Saturday, 8am to 3pm.
  • British Heart Foundation will only collect furniture from inside your home. Items must be clean and dry, with fire labels attached. To book a collection, and see what they can and cannot collect, visit British Heart Foundation.
  • The council operates a paid for collection service to residents wishing to have bulky electrical items collected from their households
  • Collections are between the hours of 5:30am and 4pm
  • Available collection dates are shown at the point of booking. If the calendar date requested is greyed out, this means we have reached full capacity for day.
  • See details about the electrical collection service, including terms and conditions, how to book a collection and costs
  • Items should be placed at the property boundary by 5:30am on the morning of the booked collection
  • Residents will not receive a refund if the items were not out for collection by 5:30am or presented correctly
  • If the items are not out for collection on the requested collection day, the crew will not return, and the resident will need to rebook and pay again
  • If the item is classified as a missed item, then the crew will return within 48 hours
  • We will work with contractors and local waste and resource management agencies to maximise the opportunities for reuse and recycling of bulky waste items

Free electrical collections by AnyJunk

You can arrange a free collection of electrical items by visiting AnyJunk.

They collect items such as:

  • dishwashers
  • fridges and freezers
  • lamps
  • TVs
  • washing machines

Please note - this service is operated on behalf of the North London Waste Authority. Collection wait times may be longer than the paid for service operated by Enfield Council.

  • The council currently offer commercial waste and recycling collection services to businesses and organisations within the borough
  • All services are designed and tailored to meet the needs of the business and the waste streams being produced and allows businesses and organisations to comply with their own waste management legal requirements and obligations
  • We will work in partnership with other waste and resource management organisations in the borough and regionally to encourage local businesses to reduce waste and increase recycling and recovery
  • We may take enforcement action against a business that stores its commercial waste bins on the streets or that operate illegally in terms of their legal responsibilities towards waste management and the wider environment
  • See information on our Commercial Waste and Recycling Collection services, including full terms and conditions, and cost and quotation
  • The collection services detailed above may be suspended in part or in full due to inclement and extreme weather conditions. In such circumstances, residents will be kept informed of service changes via this website.
  • Enfield Council will make best endeavours to return as soon as conditions have improved, and access is possible. Information about alternative collection arrangements will be kept up to date on our website and local media where possible.
  • There is 1 household waste recycling centre within the borough located at Barrowell Green Recycling Centre, for use by residents of Enfield to recycle, re-use, compost and to dispose of household waste
  • Commercial waste is not accepted at Barrowell Green Recycling Centre
  • Barrowell Green Recycling Centre operates on an appointment basis only if entering the site in a vehicle
  • See opening times and how to book a Barrowell Green Recycling Centre appointment
  • Pedestrian access is permitted without an appointment
  • You can bring household waste in a commercial vehicle if you have a permit. Permits are free of charge, you will need to apply for one before you visit. Permits can not be applied for at the centre. See how to apply for a permit.
  • See full details of accepted waste

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