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Adult skills and employment support
Skills training employment pillar
Skills training employment pillar (STEP) is a one-to-one support service for Enfield residents aged 18 and above. STEP provides support for those that are not in work or not receiving benefits, or are unemployed and receiving benefits.
STEP offers training, skills and employment pathways. To book a face-to-face appointment with a STEP employment advisor or for more information, email or call 020 3855 5859.
STEP may also be able to provide support for Enfield residents on zero-hour contracts.
Support with interview clothing
If you need suitable clothing to go to an interview, you may be eligible for support and advice from one of the organisations below:
- Smart Works (for women)
- Suited and Booted (for men)
A referral is normally made by telephone when a claimant has an interview or a job offer. Please contact your work coach for more information.
Jobcentre Plus
Your local Jobcentre Plus (JCP) can provide free help and advice from an adviser if you are unemployed and looking for work. Your adviser can help you access vacancies. Enter your postcode to search for your local JCP office.
Flexible Support Fund
The Flexible Support Fund is a fund offered by job centres across the UK at the discretion of job centre advisers. The aim of the fund is to help people claiming unemployment benefits to find a job. Visit turn2us for information on eligibility, criteria and how to apply.
Maximus work with JCP to provide support for unemployed residents that are in receipt of Universal Credit. Maximus can offer information, guidance and advice and link residents with opportunities for developing skills and paid work.
National Careers Service
The National Careers Service providers careers information, advice and guidance. They are a service for all residents in England and can provide advice regardless of your situation and the stage of your career.
Advice for young people
King's Trust
The King’s Trust is a national organisation which provides employment, education and training opportunities for anyone aged 11 to 30.
Enfield Youth Hub
The Enfield Youth Hub is a local imitative for 16 to 24-year-olds who are not in education, training or employment and are in receipt of Universal Credit. The Youth Hub offers careers advice, signposting to education or training programmes locally and work placements with local organisations.
Enfield Careers Service
Enfield Careers Service provides support for pupils regarding future career options.
I Volunteer
I Volunteer encourages people who live, work and study in Enfield to get involved in the local community. The I Volunteer website provides links to active volunteering opportunities.
Enfield Voluntary Action
Enfield Voluntary Action (EVA) provide advice, development and support service for Enfield voluntary and community groups, and help to bring in more resources for their work in our community. EVA also recruit and place individual volunteers.
Other helpful resources
Discounted rail fares and half-price bus fares
If you're unemployed and looking for work, and/or in receipt of certain benefits, you may get discounted travel in London. Visit Transport for London for information on Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount and Bus and Tram Discount photocard.
Simply Connect Enfield
Simply Connect Enfield provides a database of local voluntary and community organisations, including those that provide skills, training and employment offers.