Enfield News - Winter 2022 to 2023

Cost of living help for residents

The leader of the council talking to a council officer

We have prepared a package of measures designed to help residents of all incomes cope with big increases in food, energy and housing costs.

Council Leader, Cllr Nesil Caliskan said, “In normal times the country’s economy steadily grows but we are now seeing a shrinking economy and rising prices. This means the impact is being felt by most people - the employed and unemployed, individuals and families who are struggling to afford their bills, rents, mortgages and basics such as food and heating as inflation continues to rise."

“Since 2010, Enfield Council has had to find £212 million of savings because of government funding cuts and pressures. Despite this, Enfield Council has put together a package of support to ensure residents are protected and helped during the ongoing cost of living crisis. This includes debt advice, financial assistance and targeted help for residents."

“We are doing everything we can to support all residents who are struggling to pay their bills during an unprecedented cost of living crisis."

Council passes motion on cost of living crisis

In a motion passed at October’s Full Council meeting, it was agreed that we would write to the Chancellor urging him to take immediate action to stabilise the economic situation.

The motion, proposed by Council Leader, Cllr Nesil Caliskan, said the government had lost control of the economy and residents were suffering.

The motion also asks the Government to properly tax the oil and gas giants to pay for an energy price cap freeze, set the minimum wage at a level that reflects the cost of living and confirms the action we are taking to support residents throughout this crisis.

Residents who want to view the full text of the motion can read it on our councillors and democracy pages.

How we can help you and your family

Debts and bills

If you are in debt or struggling to make ends meet financially, help is available. Residents are advised to seek immediate help, the earlier the better.

If you are in receipt of Universal Credit, you may qualify for a Discretionary Housing Payment.

Residents can also apply for Council Tax Support and Council Tax Hardship Payment. If you’re ineligible for these benefits and still struggling, let us know by emailing revs@enfield.gov.uk. Make the subject line your Council Tax account number inside pointed brackets, <xxxxx>.

We also provide welfare advice and debt support. The team can give advice to those affected by debts including rent arrears, Council Tax arrears, adult social care debts and housing benefit overpayments. To get in contact, fill in the referral form online - see Welfare advice and support.

The charities Step Change and National Debtline, can also help if you are struggling to make ends meet.

Extra income

Support is available to help you get the benefits you might be entitled to.

If you’re looking for work and have paid enough Class 1 National Insurance contributions, you can claim New Style Jobseeker’s Allowance.

If you’re working age and need help with your living needs, including rent, you can make a claim for Universal Credit.

Other benefits include Pension Credit, Statutory Sick Pay and support for parents and families is also available. Details about all these can be found at GOV.UK.

Citizens Advice Enfield, part funded by Enfield Council, can also give you an idea of the benefits you could get and they provide links to eligibility tools.

Help with food

We have put in place measures so that no one in the borough has to worry about going hungry.

Our food pantries initiative is where you pay a small weekly membership fee (between £3.50 and £4.50) to have access to a weekly food shop. There are 5 food pantries across the borough. Residents are referred by our Welfare Advice and Support team.

The council is also using the Household Support Fund, from the Department of Work and Pensions, to provide food vouchers to families over the Christmas holiday, school food banks and half-term activities. Funding has also been set aside for community groups to apply for small grants.

There are also several foodbanks, which have received some funding from Enfield Council and the Household Support Fund, that can provide emergency food support. There is no charge for this service.

Saving energy

We know heating your home will be expensive this winter.

As part of the borough’s drive to support residents during the current cost of living crisis, we have registered four of our libraries with the Warm Welcome charity and will also provide hot drinks and food where practical. Check Warm Welcome for the Warm Spaces near you.

The council will also distribute home insulation products such as radiator reflectors, draught excluders, double glazing film, wheat bags for microwaves, and blankets.

For further advice, visit Shine, the fuel poverty referral network and free energy advice service for Londoners or The Energy Saving Trust which is a source for quick tips for saving energy at home.

Jobs and skills

We will support residents to obtain the confidence and skills they need to apply for job opportunities.

There are resources for people at all stages of their lives. For example, STEP offers a one-to-one support service for adults aged 18 or over in Enfield who are not in work or not receiving benefits or are unemployed and receiving benefits. Email step@enfield.gov.uk or call 020 3855 5859.

For 16 to 24-year-olds, Enfield Youth Hub is a local initiative for those who are not in education, training or employment and are in receipt of Universal Credit. Advisors can meet online or in person at Edmonton Green Library between 10am and 4pm on Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Thursdays. Find out more by making a referral online or email youthhub@enfield.gov.uk.

Health and wellbeing

Financial worries can cause stress and feelings of hopelessness. Please don’t suffer alone. There are a lot of excellent, free resources that can help you through this challenging period.

My Life Enfield has information and advice on improving your physical, mental or emotional wellbeing. Meanwhile, at Simply Connect Enfield, you can find a range of social groups and activities happening in the borough.

Helping you

A dedicated cost of living hub has all the latest details and will be updated regularly - you can follow the hashtag #EnfieldHelpingYou on social media

Go to the cost of living hub

Investing in Enfield

Hearts & Helpers

Enfield Neighbourhood Fund

There were some fantastic projects funded from the first round of our Neighbourhood Fund creating positive change for local residents. These included a project by Hearts and Helpers, which brought together vulnerable people from our local communities to create a green space and allotment to be enjoyed by all.

The second round is now open for bids from charities, schools and voluntary groups to a £1.2 million pot. Round 2 offers funding for projects of between £5,000 and £100,000.

A girl dancing

Fore Street Living Room Library

We have created a new ‘Living Room Library’, a fully flexible space in Edmonton, that transforms from a traditional library to accommodate workshops, performances, theatre and entertainment during the evenings.

To find out what’s on, visit Fore Street For All or follow the hashtag #ThursdayLates on social media.

Delivering affordable homes at Meridian Water

Enfield Council and Vistry Partnerships (the lead developer) held a topping out ceremony to mark progress in the building of the first homes at Meridian Water.

A group of people wearing hard hats

Meridian One is the first residential site being built on Meridian Water’s rejuvenation project. 977 homes are planned to be delivered on Meridian One with 50% being affordable homes, including some council homes. The first set of homes will be ready for moving into in spring 2023.

Alongside the residential homes, a mixture of new schools, shops and leisure facilities will open, accommodating the needs of local residents. To learn more, visit Meridian Water.

Joyce and Snell’s planning application submitted

We have submitted proposals to rebuild the Joyce and Snell’s Park estate in Edmonton. The existing homes will be replaced with 1,900 new properties and create high-quality open spaces. The planning application follows a ballot in December 2021 which showed 78.5% of residents were in favour of the council’s regeneration proposals.

An artists impression of Joyce and Snells

The proposal will see more council owned housing delivered for residents. The scheme will see the replacement of Boundary Hall, an improved Fore Street shop offer, a new multi-use venue including library, community facility and creative area and more green spaces.

If planning is granted, construction will begin next year. More information can be found at Joyce and Snells.

Cleaner Enfield

Free bulky waste service success

A trampoline and a large garage door were among the unusual items collected since the introduction of our free bulky waste collection service in September 2021. A total of 25,258 bulky waste collections were made in the first year. The service continues and you can book a free bulky waste collection online.

Dumpers pay the price

More than 2,000 people have been issued fixed penalty notices (FPNs) for dumping rubbish this year. People who failed to pay their FPNs were prosecuted in a magistrates’ court and ordered to pay double the original penalty.
Please report fly-tipping.

Safer Enfield

Landlord licensing scheme

We have introduced landlord licensing schemes to improve the qualities of properties in our borough. Every resident deserves to live in a decent home and the council is reminding landlords to apply for a license. Licensing schemes have been introduced to help landlords meet management standards and ensure that tenants have good quality homes. You can apply online for a licence today.

Domestic violence support

We participated in White Ribbon Day on 25 November, raising awareness of male violence against women and girls. In addition, the Mayor of Enfield, Cllr Doris Jiagge, is raising money for ten different local organisations, many of which offer support to domestic violence survivors.

Greener Enfield

Members of the Watercourses team

Award winning drainage projects

Our Watercourses Team have won three national awards for delivering some first-class sustainable drainage projects. To find some of the wetlands and rain gardens this team has created in parks across Enfield, visit Go Parks. These include schemes in Albany Park and Enfield Town. To find out more about what the team gets up to, you can follow them on social media, @EnfieldSuds on Twitter or @Bluegreenenfield on Instagram.

Supporting young people

Children from Raynham primary school

An environmental playground in Edmonton

Raynham Primary School is the proud location of the Trees for the Jubilee Project with a greener, healthier playground for its 700 pupils.

Enfield Council and Trees for Cities worked with the school to plant trees, seeds and vegetable plants, creating an oasis for pupils at the Edmonton school.

The project provides pupils with a beautiful area for everyday connection to nature and support for their health and wellbeing.

We are committed to planting one million trees across the borough to enhance our open and green spaces to help tackle the climate crisis. If you’d like to see more trees near where you live or work, let us know. Go to the Blue Green Hub at Let's Talk Enfield with your suggestions.

Disabled swimming scheme

Over the summer, thousands of children benefitted from the free swimming sessions that we rolled out. Enfield Council and Fusion Lifestyle have now secured an additional £10,000, from the London Sport Together Fund, to deliver a programme of swimming to disabled children in the borough. Email sport@enfield.gov.uk to find out more.

Festive updates

Town centre Christmas lights

Town centres light up for Christmas

Town centres have come alight with the Christmas spirit, with celebrations for residents and visitors to enjoy.

We would like to encourage you all to visit our town centres and support local businesses. To find out what events are taking place in Enfield during the Christmas and New Year period, subscribe to the Enjoy Enfield newsletter.

Bins and recycling collection arrangements

There will be no changes to the days when your rubbish, recycling, food and paid for garden waste bins are normally collected over the Christmas and New Year holidays.

If you have a subscription to the council’s garden waste service and would like to recycle your Christmas tree, leave it out on your scheduled garden waste collection day and remove all decorations, pots and turf. Make sure you trim down your tree if it’s taller than six feet.

Alternatively, Christmas trees can be taken to Barrowell Green Recycling Centre, but advanced booking is required. Alternatively, you can drop your tree off at some of Enfield’s parks to be collected by park staff.

More information on these options can be found on the rubbish and recycling pages.

Enfield remembers

Remembrance Sunday paradeHundreds of residents paid their respects to those who gave their lives in the service of their country at Remembrance Sunday services and parades across Enfield which were featured on BBC London News.

The Mayor of Enfield, Cllr Doris Jiagge, the Leader of the Council, Cllr Nesil Caliskan, and the Leader of the Opposition, Cllr Alessandro Georgiou, were amongst those who laid wreaths and joined attendees at the services in Enfield Town, Edmonton Green and Southgate on Sunday 13 November.

Thank you to all the community groups, including Scouts and Guides, Sea Cadets, the Salvation Army and many more, who took part in the services and parades.

Dugdale Centre reopens

The Dugdale Arts Centre, in Enfield Town, is set to reopen on 16 December 2022 offering a wider range of activities, entertainment and community facilities than ever before.

The Christmas season kicks off with a specially commissioned musical production of Little Women. Tickets are available to book at Dugdale Arts Centre.

There will also be plenty of other pocket-friendly festive events and exhibitions for all ages. Our Cabinet Member for Public Spaces, Culture and Local Economy, Cllr Chinelo Anyanwu, said, “The Dugdale Arts Centre is so much more than a performance space. It is a vibrant welcome point to Enfield Town and its new incarnation will offer a huge amount to the community.”

Free loan service of mobility equipment

We are committed to protecting our services to help our elderly and vulnerable residents. To mark Occupational Therapy Week, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care, Cllr Alev Cazimoglu, visited Shopmobility in Edmonton Green to learn more about their loan service of scooters and equipment to help people get around and live independent lives.

What's on at Forty Hall

Quill Pen Workshop

An intimate candlelight creative experience hosted in a stunning 17th Century period room. This is a wonderful workshop opportunity to learn a new skill and express yourself through creative writing.

Date: Wednesday 7 December
Time: 6pm to 8pm
Price: £20 per person including materials

Forty Hall at Christmas

This is your chance to experience the beautiful period rooms of Forty Hall dressed for Christmas. Step in to the comfort of the Hall and back in time to enjoy sights, sounds and scents of the festive period.

Date: 8 to 31 December
Time: 11am to 4pm
Price: £2 per adult. Children under 16 free

Christmas Afternoon Tea

Relax from Christmas shopping and indulge in a sumptuous Christmas Afternoon Tea! The Banqueting Suite at Forty Hall will be opening its doors to serve you a delightful afternoon tea alongside a chilled glass of Champagne, English breakfast and assorted herbal teas, with the beautiful Forty Hall Estate as your backdrop.

Date: Sunday 18 December
Time: 12pm to 1.30pm
Tickets: from £21 to £30 per person

What's on at Millfield Theatre

Snow White and the Seven Superheroes

Traditional panto with a modern twist, courtesy of Millfield Theatre. Oh no it isn’t, oh yes it is!

Dates: 6 to 30 December

Book Snow White and the Seven Superheroes


Millfield keeps the magic going in January with dazzling costumes, exciting choreography, toe tapping tunes and a hilarious script by Warren McWilliams.

Date: 19 to 22 January 2023

Book Rapunzel

What's on at Dugdale Arts Centre

Dugdale Arts Centre Reopens

Come in for exhibitions, museum, shows, workshops, café, supper clubs or a friendly place to sit, work or relax.

Date: Friday 16 December

Enfield Culture Festival

Marking the reopening of the Dugdale Arts Centre with a celebration of Enfield’s local culture, including live show from Tion Wayne, Ghana Music takeover, Queer Bruk electronic music night, drag bingo with Vinegar Strokes, Jazz Jamaica and much more!

Date: 23 to 29 January 2023

You can also download our Enfield News - Winter 2022 to 2023 (PDF, 1093.14 KB).

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