I Volunteer


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I Volunteer encourages people who live, work and study in Enfield to get involved in the local community. Whatever you want to get out of volunteering, Enfield has the opportunity for you.

It is estimated that 40% of the population volunteers. This means that over 100,000 Enfield residents are out there helping others on a regular basis. By joining this ever-growing band of volunteers, you too can really make a difference to individuals and the community. Check out 10 great reasons to get involved in volunteering.

Enfield volunteers are already making a difference in a variety of ways.

10 reasons why you should volunteer

  1. It gives you a sense of achievement and reduces stress
  2. It helps you learn new skills and improves your job prospects
  3. It's a great way to meet people and make new friends
  4. It helps you grow and develop as a person
  5. It makes the local neighbourhood stronger
  6. It teaches you how charities work and about their areas of expertise
  7. It's an opportunity to give something valuable to people in need
  8. It increases your sense of civic pride and social responsibility
  9. It can provide an opportunity to travel abroad with international programmes
  10. It's really good fun

Volunteering opportunities

Volunteer for Enfield Council

We are particularly looking for you to:

Other volunteering opportunities

Find out how to get practical advice from Volunteer Centre Enfield and discover how your efforts can be recognised through our 100 Hours Volunteering Scheme.

You could also volunteer for:

For more information about local volunteering, visit Do IT.

Enfield volunteers

People from a range of backgrounds volunteer in Enfield. We spoke to a few of them, to find out why they began volunteering and what they enjoy about it. Get to know our Enfield volunteers.

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