Council Plan 2023 to 2026
Our Council Plan sets out how we are investing in Enfield to deliver positive outcomes for our communities. It explains our plans for 2023 to 2026.
Our priorities
Clean and green places
We will:
- enhance biodiversity and protect our parks, open spaces, woodlands, watercourses, wetlands, trees and shrubs
- keep our streets and public spaces clean and welcoming
- enable active and low carbon travel
- facilitate reuse of materials, reduce waste and increase recycling rates
- reduce carbon emissions from our buildings, street lighting, fleet and the goods and services we procure
Relevant strategies:
Strong, healthy and safe communities
We will:
- improve feelings of safety and tackle crime and antisocial behaviour
- protect vulnerable adults from harm and deliver robust early help and social care services
- work with our partners to provide high quality and accessible health services
- support communities to access healthy and sustainable food
- improve our leisure and sports opportunities to enable more active lifestyles
- nurture our arts, heritage and creative sectors to connect people through culture
Relevant strategies:
- Enfield Council Housing Antisocial Behaviour Policy 2023-2028 (PDF, 992.77 KB)
- Community Safety Plan (PDF, 2714.34 KB)
- Enfield Offer (PDF, 1712.84 KB)
- Culture Strategy (PDF, 8627.53 KB)
- Early Help for All Strategy (PDF, 6410.6 KB)
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy (PDF, 1712.81 KB)
- Local Plan
- Modern Slavery Strategy
- Safeguarding Adults Strategy (PDF, 2132.99 KB)
- Serious Violence Duty Strategy 2024-25 (PDF, 6152.1 KB)
- Strategic Asset Management Plan (PDF, 814.09 KB)
- Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy (PDF, 1473.25 KB)
Thriving children and young people
We will:
- help all children to have the best start in life
- safeguard children and increase support in-borough for looked after children with complex needs
- improve educational outcomes for all children and young people
- increase local education, play and leisure opportunities for young people with special educational needs and disabilities
- engage children and young people in positive activities
- involve young people in decisions that affect their lives
Relevant strategies:
- Early Help for All Strategy (PDF, 6410.6 KB)
- Empowering Young Enfield Plan (PDF, 2405.41 KB)
- Safeguarding Adolescents Strategy (PDF, 1868.06 KB)
- SEND Partnership Strategy (PDF, 1657.19 KB)
- Tackling Child Neglect Strategy (PDF, 2460.45 KB)
- Looked After Children Strategy (PDF, 482.07 KB)
More and better homes
We will:
- build and facilitate more good quality homes that local people can afford
- invest in and improve our council homes
- drive up standards in the private rented sector
- deliver low carbon and climate-resilient new-build homes, and facilitate retrofitting of existing homes
- create well-connected, digitally enabled and well-managed neighbourhoods
- provide a range of specialist housing for those who need it
Relevant strategies:
- Housing and Growth Strategy (PDF, 2763.5 KB)
- Local Plan
- Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy (PDF, 2418.83 KB)
- Tenancy Strategy (PDF, 17055.27 KB)
- Enfield Housing Allocations Scheme (PDF, 745.88 KB)
- Strategic Asset Management Plan (PDF, 814.09 KB)
An economy that works for everyone
We will:
- enable local people to develop skills to access good quality work
- support local businesses and encourage inward investment in growing sectors which offer sustainable employment to local people
- provide support and advice for residents on low incomes
- develop town centres that are vibrant, healthy and inclusive
- transform our industrial land to create modern and low carbon spaces for business
Relevant strategies:
Our principles
Fairer Enfield
We are developing our understanding of how our services and projects impact members of our community in different ways. We are doing this by using every opportunity to tackle longstanding inequalities and improve outcomes for people experiencing disadvantage.
View our Fairer Enfield Policy 2021 to 2025 (PDF, 5491.82 KB).
Accessible and responsive services
We want everyone who comes into contact with the council to have a positive experience of our staff, our buildings and the service we provide. We will seek to continuously drive improvement in our services, ensuring they are accessible for and responsive to our diverse communities and partners.
See our Customer Service commitment.
View our Workforce Strategy 2023-2028 (PDF, 12054.91 KB).
Financial resilience
We need to deliver excellent value for money in all that we do and target our resources smartly to enable us to meet the needs of our residents, now and in the future. To do this, we will plan ahead carefully, making decisions based on evidence of what works, to deliver on the priorities in our Council Plan.
View our Medium Term Financial Strategy (PDF, 1189.18 KB).
Collaboration and early help
We work together with our partners to provide support as early as possible to children, young people, families and adults to prevent problems from escalating. We will work closely with our residents and voluntary and community groups to empower them to take positive action in their neighbourhoods.
View our Enfield Early Help for All Strategy 2021-2025 (PDF, 6410.6 KB).
Climate conscious
We are committed to becoming a carbon neutral organisation by 2030 and a carbon neutral borough by 2040. To meet these targets, we must consider the impact of all our decisions on the environment and climate change.
See our Climate Action Plan.
Future outcomes
We have identified 6 long-term outcomes. These outcomes will have a positive impact on residents as we work with our partners and deliver on our priorities over the 4 years of our Council Plan and beyond.
Our 6 outcomes are:
- residents live happy, healthy and safe lives
- residents earn enough to support themselves and their families
- children and young people do well at all levels of learning
- residents age well
- residents live in good quality homes they can afford
- residents live in a carbon neutral borough
View the Enfield Council Plan 2023 to 2026 Future Outcomes (PDF, 597.25 KB).