Information management strategy


This strategy sets out Enfield Council’s aims and priorities for the way it manages information.

Enfield’s 3 aims of:

All rely on the effective use of information if we are to ensure we use our resources effectively to meet the needs of our community, champion our needs at a national level, be an open and accountable organisation that works in partnership with others.

This is supplemented by our organisational principles of:

Breaking down barriers to collaborative working, effective decision making and understanding of our community is critical to delivering these values.

This strategy, its principles, goals and actions are aimed at delivering these outcomes. It is an overarching document which supports and is supported by a number of policies and procedures as set out in sections 6 and 7 below.


Enfield Council will create an environment where information is valued as a corporate asset. Information is collected, stored, used, shared and disposed of in a way that ensures the integrity, sensitivity and security of the asset whilst giving staff and councillors the information they need to be empowered to deliver the council’s aims and objectives. We will be open and accountable with our data whilst ensuring that information is suitably protected and processed fairly.

Scope of this strategy

This strategy applies to all staff, temporary workers, councillors, contractors, agents and representatives working for or on behalf of the council.

It covers all information created or held by the council in whatever format (paper, electronic, email, microfiche, CDs, film) and wherever it is stored.

Definition of information management

Information management is the function of managing the organisation’s information resources. It includes creating, capturing, registering, classifying, indexing, storing, sharing, retrieving, providing, using and disposing of information assets in the most efficient and effective way. The 3 key elements in effective information management are confidentiality, integrity and availability.

It is important to understand the information lifecycle, as the strategy covers managing information, from initial creation, through reuse and publishing, and finally to disposal or permanent archive.

Information is received or created, and will be used and re-used many times over, by users sharing and collaborating to amend and create different views and analysis. To use information efficiently it must be stored once and be accessible within a controlled environment.

The information principles

Information is a key asset of the organisation, and we will be guided by following the principles that information is:

Our goals

The principles will be achieved by delivering the goals and measures below.

Information security and integrity

Records management policy


Transparency and availability


Where does this information sit?

Business plan – leadership, vision, aims and objectives

Understanding of customer needs

Medium term financial plan

Key delivery strategies across service areas and partnerships.

Related policies and legislation

Some of the other policies and documents linked to this strategy are:

Regulations and standards applicable to this policy include:

Governance framework and responsibilities

Senior roles:

Key roles:


Training and education

Enfield Council will provide staff and councillors with the necessary information, procedures and training required for them to undertake their roles and their responsibilities contained in this policy effectively.

Action plan

IDGB will maintain an action plan and report on it annually to EMT.

Monitoring and review

This strategy and action plan will be reviewed by the Information and Data Governance Board and reported to the Executive Management Board annually.

Policy details

Author – Information Governance Manager
Owner – Information and Data Governance Board
Version – 1.8
Reviewer – Information and Data Governance Board
Classification – Official
Issue status – Final
Date of first issue – 04.10.12
Date of latest re-issue – 30.05.2024
Date approved by IGB – 19.05.2024
Date of next review – 30.04.2025

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