Volunteering with children and young people
We provide volunteering opportunities if you're over 18 and want to make a difference to the lives of children and young people in Enfield.
Enfield Youth Justice Service (YJS) needs volunteers who:
- are concerned about youth crime and serious youth violence
- are able to engage with children and young people
- would like to be part of the restorative justice process
- can work with children and young people who offend to help support a change in their behaviours and actions
- can help us to help our children and young people to make Enfield a better place to live and work
- are able to commit to volunteering for 12 months or more
Volunteering opportunities
We are currently recruiting new volunteers to supervise children and young people during their reparation activities, and community panel members to make decisions about the rehabilitation programs. There are also many volunteering opportunities within the service to ensure we are meeting the needs of our families and children. You will be given full training alongside a development and support program.
Volunteers complement the work of our staff, and the YJS greatly value the important contribution volunteers make in helping us to address offending by children and young people.
Panel member training dates to be advised upon application.
Complete the volunteer panel member application form (PDF, 168.88 KB) and email to yos_volunteers@enfield.gov.uk.
"It’s a humbling experience when you witness a difference in a child from being quiet and sometimes indifferent in their initial panel meeting to being confident and having achieved goals by their first or second review. The difference makes you feel hopeful that the child has a better chance of a brighter future for themselves and their family".
For more information about volunteering with children and young people, email yos_volunteers@enfield.gov.uk, or call Janet Evans on 020 8132 2241 or the Enfield YJS business support on 020 8379 5800, and ask for the volunteer practice lead or the volunteer officer.
Casual Reparation Worker
Being a Casual Reparation Worker with Enfield Youth Justice Service requires you to have a passion for working with children and young people to engage them in successfully completing their reparation hours in the community.
If you think this is a role for and you can give a few hours during the week or at the weekend to support and supervise our children, to give back to the community by engaging in exciting projects to enhance their learning and skills, then give us call to discuss further.
Janet Evans
Enfield Youth Justice Service
020 8132 2241